School VS High School
During my childhood I went to Practiques 2 school and there's where I met some of my actual friends in the high school. But it's true that high school is as different as it seems?
In my school, I remember that the first teachers I had were so sweet and kind with us. While the years were passing, I noticed that they were changing in how to be with us and our classes and that made me sad because I didn't want to grow that easily. Currently, I am used to have different teachers for each subject and only having one of these people as my tutor and the ones who works for my well-being. In primary school, I remember having easier subjects as science or music. Now I have other subjects as Technology and French. School requires much more effort now than before, even though I was younger before.
About extra activities, I could say that I did more when I was a child because I had more freetime too. Now, I use to have homework everyday and every weekend and that makes me spend more time at home working or studying, but I have time for my hobbies. I practise tennis, music, drama and theater this year and when I was a child I also did hip-hop, ICT, football, basketball... I remember Anna Calleja, Júlia and I playing basketball matches against other schools and we used to have so much fun.